Friday, June 14, 2013

2-days of the latest AQW design notes

June 13, 2013

Grimskull Delayed!?

Terrible "Trap Construction Accident." Evil Unicorn reported on Lose. 

Grimskull's 1st dungeon, The Endless Pit of Doom, is being pushed back one week due to the unsightly massacre of the entire dungeon creation crew this morning. Eye witness reports confirm that traps were triggered in room #5, affectionately known as "The evilist room ever" resulting in the activation of the spiked ceiling, razor saws, lemon flavored acid juice and a giant pit trap. The worker minions who survived were hunted down by Binky the Magical Man Eating Unicorn who is now reported to be on the loose.

Coming THIS FRIDAY: Binky the Magical Man Eating Unicorn!

The full dungeon will be released NEXT Friday... so this week, a band of overly agressive heroes intend to battle one of the dungeon's escaped surprise monsters, Binky the Magical Man Eating Unicorn. He is a level 50 challenge fight requiring a skilled and coordinated group to defeat. Rumor has it Binky aborbs magic from the air allowing him to emulate the skill of ANY BOSS MONSTER in the world. Yes... you heard me right. Binky can potentially do the special moves of any boss monster (past or future) in the game. Original intended by Grimskull to be a surprise, Members will get first crack at this magical beast. The lucky few who can defeat him will obtain his Unihorn -- an indestructable object that possesses the power to break apart the worlds most powerful weapon.

Also... new Quests in town!

Loremaster Maya, who is located in the town of Battleon's library will have new quests for you.

Special AC Weapon: The GrimBlight of Destiny

Artix's battleaxe is known as the Blinding Light of Destiny. It is a powerful force of good, powered by millions of spirit orbs, it is the ultimate weapon against the undead. Not long ago, the Blinding Light of Destiny was shattered and destroyed in the epic battle against Vordred, the Paladinslayer. Thought to be lost forever, Artix and the heroes ventured to forge a new Battleaxe. However, what remained of the previous Battleaxe had been reconstructed by wicked hands. Those who have set eyes upon it call it the "Grimblight of Destiny". It is an evil weapon that does 5% BONUS DAMAGE against pretty much every type of creature EXCEPT undead, and grantsthe user a rep bonus. If you click on it, it unleashes an evil laugh... and may try to kill other AFK players in the room. Grimskull's assistant, Mort, is reported to be selling it in town this Friday for an unspeakably high number of ACs in order to raise funds to hire new (and less clumsy) dungeon workers.

Surf's Up in Battleon!
June 12, 2013

Summer Story Time

True Stories bro.

Summer is here! YAAY! The sun is out, school is out, and everyone is flocking to their favorite vacation destinations.
Summer Shop has graduation gear, beach items, and surfboards
If you’re nowhere near a beach—fear not! The Summer Shop in Battleon is open for business, and you can get all kinds of summer Seasonal Rares! 5 new RARE Surfboards have been added to the shop… and also the highly-anticipated color-custom Victory Swimwear!
You know what else is a popular vacation destination? The Secret Underground Lab!
Artix Beleen and DarkAxe15 yell Battle On
Yesterday, 3 of our awesome players, DarkAxe15,DeathComes2x, and TheSaucyKnave visited the Lab and we gave them the grand tour. As you can see, DarkAxe15 even gave me a super adorable pink plushie pony for me to smother with LOVE! Eeeeeeeeeeep! =D
Okay. Srsly. How could I NOT have a plushie pony weapon in AQWorlds? Problem solved!
Beleens new pink unicorn plushie weapon in fantasy game 
Since my Featured Artist Showcase Shop is like 2 weeks away, I’ll put that pinkie pony in my special shop (along with a whole bunch of other random items that make me giggle!) for everyone to enjoy! Thanks again, DarkAxe15!
When best friends DeathComes2x and TheSaucyKnave came around, DeathComes2x showed me his hilarious-to-me-but-not-so-funny-for-Artix screenshot of his EbilCorp trickeries.
Pink EbilCorp takeover in online adventure game
Well done, DeathComes2x! Furthermore, DeathComes2x posed for an EbilCorp photo and Chairman Platinum posted this picture on You can even vote on how meme-worthy it is by clicking on the pic!
EbilCorp be stealing weapons and loot
The entire Artix Entertainment staff loves meeting our fellow heroes in person! It’s so awesome playing with you guys and gals in game… but even awesome-er when we get to meet you in real life!
Wanna visit the Secret Underground Lab? Well first… you gatta find our undisclosed address. And then you gatta find the person in charge of scheduling tours. And then you gatta make it to the lab using no other means of transportation besides a dragon.
That ought to keep you busy for awhile =

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