Monday, June 10, 2013

Latest AQW Design Notes

Happy Monday!
June 10, 2013

OathKeeper Set Leaves Tomorrow!

Take the Oath and Become Epic

Last Tuesday, Dage the Evil unleashed his infamous OathKeeper Armor Set in Battleon’s Featured Artist Showcase Shop. With SOOO many Rare items to choose from, you’re bound to become Epic in 1 way, or, more accurately, in 22 ways!
Dage's OathKeeper Armor Set in online fantasy games
Here is your LAST CHANCE at owning Dage’s OathKeeper Set before it leaves FOREVER tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday June 11. And here is the breakdown of all of Dage’s items so you know which ones you just HAVE to get!

Bright SoulSeeker: 45,000 Gold; Member
Bright SoulSeeker: 225 ACs
Kindred SpiritHunter: 175 ACs
Kindred SpiritHunter: 17,500 Gold; Member

Alloyed Legion SpiritHunter: 215 ACs
Alloyed Legion SpiritHunter: 21,500 Gold; Member

SoulSeeker Spear: 18,500 Gold; Member
Two-Headed SoulSeeker Pike: 225 ACs

OathKeeper: 600 ACs

OathKeeper Cowl: 75 ACs
OathKeeper Razor Cut: 5,000 Gold
OathKeeper Shroud: 65 ACs
OathKeeper Shroud: 10,000 Gold; Member

OathKeeper Array: 115 ACs
OathKeeper Array: 15,000 Gold; Member
OathKeeper Halo: 100 ACs
OathKeeper Halo: 18,500 Gold; Member
OathKeeper Mantle: 125 ACs
OathKeeper SpiritHunter (Sheathed): 75 ACs
OathKeeper Wings: 15,000 Gold

Pets (with Quest and Rewards!)
Legion SoulSeeker Pet: 1,000 ACs
SoulSeeker Battle Pet: 50,000 Gold; Member

As you can see, a bunch of these items are Member Only, or sell for AdventureCoins. And because summer is here, now is the PERFECT time to Upgrade your Membership and score a bunch of ACs!

Did you know…

When you purchase your 12 Month Membership package, you’re getting:
  • the BEST deal
  • exclusive Golden Fury Armor Set (6 items)
  • AND saving the MOST money!
Golden Fury Armor Set exclusive for Members in online fantasy game AQW
Let me break it down for you: a 12 Month Membership costs $57.95. So when you break that down, you’re only spending
$4.83 a month!
Dude. I spend MORE than that on my Frappichinos. Everyday. Why can’t Starbucks offer a sweet membership deal like AQWorlds? I’d totally buy it!
But it gets even better. Your 12 Month AQW Membership includes:
  • A whole year of Membership access
  • 7,000 bonus AdventureCoins (valued at $28.00)
  • Exclusive Golden Fury Armor set (priceless!)
  • Option for an addition 5,000 ACs for only $5.00 more (valued at $19.95)
So when you take ALL that into account, you’re really only spending
$1.25 a month!
This is FUN! Wanna break that apart even more… by day!? OKAY!
$0.04 per day!
Are. You. SERIOUS?! Oh yes. Very serious indeed. Check my math if you don’t believe me… even though I quadrupled checked just to make sure =D
12 month membership bundle for online games
Obtaining your 12 Month Membership is by far the best deal in the whole world—and the whole world wide web!
Looking for epic summer adventures without breaking the bank?
Want to flaunt your coolness during the scorching summer heat?
Wanna become epic, get epic items, score epic bragging rights, and obtain the most epic deal?

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